Liz’s Leadership Insights Blog

Incivility in the Workplace

Incivility in the Workplace

Within a two-day period, two separate clients called to schedule training sessions on Diversity, also called Incivility in the Workplace. Both reported they had recently experienced a nasty incident among co-workers at their respective offices, and they felt they needed to formally remind staff of basic civil, non-discriminatory conduct. In the media, there have been a growing number of reports on incivility, rudeness, harassment, and ultimate violence in the workplace between and against...

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The Buckshot Approach vs The Bullet Approach

The Buckshot Approach vs The Bullet Approach

Many years ago, while on a business trip, I met with a new manager in Guatemala. She had been in her position for one month, was excited about its possibilities, and she had a great deal of energy. After years of neglect and lackluster management, her department had many areas that needed attention. It was somewhat overwhelming, but she was determined to get things in shape. When I arrived for our first meeting, she was talking on the phone, with two other lines on hold, and she was sitting in...

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Let’s Talk Visions First – Then Missions

Let’s Talk Visions First – Then Missions

The vision and mission are two separate and distinct components of your most important leadership tool: the strategic plan. And unlike many others who work in strategic planning, I'm a stickler when it comes to clients understanding the purpose of a vision statement and a mission statement. When someone says, “I don’t care what you call it: mission or vision—they mean the same thing.” My response is, “No they don't. They serve two very different roles in the plan, for the leadership team, and...

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A Mission Statement Clarifies Why You Exist

A Mission Statement Clarifies Why You Exist

Unlike the vision statement, which creates a clear picture of what we want to accomplish or become, the mission statement, clarifies what we do as an organization; why we exist; what purpose we serve. That's its job. Webster's Dictionary defines mission as "an assignment or task to be carried out." The mission statement clarifies for everyone who works with us and those with whom we interact, just what business we're in. I become frustrated when someone says, "I don't care what you call it:...

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Life Changes. You Will Change. Friends Will Change.

Life Changes. You Will Change. Friends Will Change.

As you move up in an organization, you will change. You will be interacting more with people with management and leadership mindsets and behavior patterns. You will start to take on these behaviors too - in subtle and not-so-subtle ways. You'll need to in order to do your job as a manager or leader. If you don't, why'd you take the job? You Will Change Your friends will change. Some of your friends won't understand your inability to discuss confidential managerial matters with them. Your true...

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