Liz’s Leadership Insights Blog

6 COVID-19 Induced Reasons Why You Should Scrap Your Current Strategic Plan

6 COVID-19 Induced Reasons Why You Should Scrap Your Current Strategic Plan

When things start to settle a bit in your world as you adjust to the new reality caused by the global COVID-19 Pandemic, be prepared to dramatically revise your strategic plan. It’s no longer strategically viable. Whether your operations experience a positive or negative impact for two weeks or two years, the future work world you were envisioning when your plan was created no longer exists. The future work world you were envisioning when you created your strategic plan no longer exists Here...

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Prepare Your Team for the New Year

Prepare Your Team for the New Year

Is your team prepared for the New Year? Are they clear and aligned so they’re better able to work together instead of frustrating one another? Do they know what to stop doing and what to start? Are they looking forward to the new year or are they just…blah? If you already have a decent strategic plan that’s provided guidance and structure for you and your team, preparing for the new year doesn’t need to be a big production or a major event. I know that sounds strange coming from someone who...

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Why Use an Outside Facilitator for Strategy Sessions?

Why Use an Outside Facilitator for Strategy Sessions?

It’s getting to be that time of year again when many organizations start to think about holding strategy sessions. These sessions may be informal leadership team strategy sessions or more formal strategic planning retreats. Whatever format is used, I always suggest an outside facilitator – one who is skilled in facilitating senior-level strategy sessions – to guide the process. I’m not saying this because I facilitate strategic planning sessions. I’m saying this because I’ve seen what happens...

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Why Have a Succession Plan?

Why Have a Succession Plan?

As a leader, you know your organization should have a succession plan. Yet you’ve not been able to justify taking time away from real work to create one. Why take the time to plan for something that might be helpful someday? If that question sounds like something you’ve thought or said, please understand that a succession plan is more than a plan of who can or could take over positions in the future. It’s also a plan of who can temporarily step into positions now to keep things going when you...

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How Can I Keep Our Strategic Planning Process Simple?

How Can I Keep Our Strategic Planning Process Simple?

The most common question a strategic planning client asks is: “How can we keep this simple?” The question is being asked typically for one of two reasons: 1) They’ve experienced at least one long and painful planning process, or 2) They’ve never actually created an effective plan. So, though they realize there is a need to go through the strategic planning process, they’re lost as to how to do so simply and effectively. The key is to keep it concise, focused, and trackable. Keep Your Strategic...

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