Liz’s Leadership Insights Blog

It’s Not Done Until It’s Purpose Is Served

It’s Not Done Until It’s Purpose Is Served

There’s an interesting trend I’ve been observing of late: Leaders are ‘accepting’ projects as being ‘DONE’ even though the goal doesn’t fulfill its purpose or the true need for it in the first place. As long as the goal’s tasks were conducted, the task or project is deemed ‘COMPLETE’. However, during subsequent executive team meetings, I’ll hear comments such as: “This is DONE?” or “ “What are we supposed to do with this now,” or my favorite, “Well that was a total waste.” If you don’t know...

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What Does Your X Department Say About Your Culture and Company

What Does Your X Department Say About Your Culture and Company

Last week, I had lunch with two colleagues who are Human Resources consultants. They shared their hypothesis that the culture of an organization can be summarized by the ‘health’ of the company’s HR (Human Resources) office. Boom! Now that’s a powerful statement. As they shared more of their reasoning, I started to mentally scroll through my client base, and…my observations of my clients’ HR Offices aligned with their thinking. My clients with strong, strategic, collaborative, communicative,...

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What Do You Need of Me?

What Do You Need of Me?

If your work world of late is similar to that of most of my clients’, you’re busy. You’re really busy. Most days, you’ve come to claim success if you can even start, much less finish, just one item on your ever-growing To Do List. More often than not, your days are a blur of one meeting, email, text, chat message, or call after another, asking or demanding something of you. Someone needs an answer. Something needs your approval. Someone expects you to handle a problem they can’t or don’t want...

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Please, Stop Talking

Please, Stop Talking

“You’re losing all credibility. Please, stop talking.” I couldn’t say it out loud, but that thought went through my head as I observed ‘LeAnn’, a new board director during her first board meeting. I’d read her board biography and resume, and I had researched her and her accomplishments before I sat in on my new client’s board meeting. LeAnn’s background was impressive, so I was looking forward to seeing her in action and hearing what she was going to bring to this board. I was looking forward...

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Do Your Job – Independently and Competently

Do Your Job – Independently and Competently

In my conversations with leaders last week, one common theme was apparent: They want - no, they need - their managers and team members to become more self-sufficient, skilled, and confident in their respective roles. The CEOs, business owners, board directors, and managers I talked with are busy. They’re really busy. They’re juggling multiple priorities from multiple ‘bosses’. So when one of their managers or team members comes to them with a problem that should not require their input or...

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