Liz’s Leadership Insights Blog

Today may be rough for your team. I have a few thoughts…

Today may be rough for your team. I have a few thoughts…

A client called me yesterday. She was really hurting because of the low morale and the state of divisiveness she's seeing in her team, her family, her community, and the country because of the pandemic, ongoing social issues, and our current political turmoil. So we talked. Given today is another day of spiking emotions with a potential second impeachment of President Trump, I thought I'd share some of what I shared with her. Many are grieving In addition to grieving over not being able to...

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How Engaged Are You?

How Engaged Are You?

I recently read an interview with Jim Loehr, the co-author of ‘The Power of Full Engagement’. Mr. Loehr’s expertise is in personal “energy management”. According to Mr. Loehr, only one in four people are ‘fully engaged’ at work, which means that only one in four people bring their best energy to work. Also, according to Mr. Loehr, the number one enemy of ‘full engagement’ is multitasking. As Mr. Loehr says, multitasking “just means that you are not fully engaged in anything and that you are...

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Guest Post: Jesse Lyn Stoner

Guest Post: Jesse Lyn Stoner

We have a special guest on the blog today. Jesse Lyn Stoner, Seapoint Center, has written a terrific article that we'd like to share with you. Be the Boss You'd Like to Have by Jesse Lyn Stoner The friendly gentleman sitting next to me on the airplane said: “I like my boss because he is genuinely interested in me and what I’m doing. He doesn't just ask generally how things are going, he says, ‘how’s the [specific] project going?’ I know he’s paying attention and cares. When I first started...

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The Buckshot Approach vs The Bullet Approach

The Buckshot Approach vs The Bullet Approach

Many years ago, while on a business trip, I met with a new manager in Guatemala. She had been in her position for one month, was excited about its possibilities, and she had a great deal of energy. After years of neglect and lackluster management, her department had many areas that needed attention. It was somewhat overwhelming, but she was determined to get things in shape. When I arrived for our first meeting, she was talking on the phone, with two other lines on hold, and she was sitting in...

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Guest Post: Kate Nasser

Guest Post: Kate Nasser

We have a special guest on the blog today. Kate Nasser, The People-Skills Coach, has written a terrific article that we'd like to share with you.   Success in Two Words – Be Memorable. By Kate Nasser Starting a company? Looking for a job? Attempting to sell your house? Trying to change careers? Get noticed by being different but … to achieve success — be memorable. Memorable is not just what makes you different.  Memorable connects you with others in ways that matter to them. Success in...

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