I recently read an interview with Jim Loehr, the co-author of ‘The Power of Full Engagement’. Mr. Loehr’s expertise is in personal “energy management”. According to Mr. Loehr, only one in four people are ‘fully engaged’ at work, which means that only one in four people bring their best energy to work. Also, according to Mr. Loehr, the number one enemy of ‘full engagement’ is multitasking. As Mr. Loehr says, multitasking “just means that you are not fully engaged in anything and that you are partially disengaged in everything.”
What? No multitasking?
When I read that interview, I found his insights fascinating, yet I have to be honest. One part of me also said, “What? No multitasking! Does this guy know how business works?” Multitasking is a way of life for most of us. But there’s a great deal of truth in his words. If we split ourselves too thin and go in too many different directions, we become mediocre to poor in many things, and good to great in a few to none.
To be engaged at work, remember what your organization’s vision and mission are.
What real core purpose does your business serve? Is it clear to your customers? Is it clear to your employees? Is it clear to you? That refocusing activity alone can help you look with clearer eyes at all of the tasks and responsibilities you’re currently juggling. You’ll be able to see which ones are truly important, which ones you can drop without ramifications, and which ones will create further energy and excitement for you.
If you’re not feeling ‘engaged’ at work, it’s time to review why. It’s time to review the priorities, review the plan, and re-evaluate the priorities.
Because if you’re not engaged, why should anyone else be?
Copyright MMIII – Liz Weber, CMC, CSP – Weber Business Services, LLC – www.WBSLLC.com +1.717.597.8890
Liz supports clients with strategic and succession planning, as well as leadership training and executive coaching.