While working with a client recently, the conversation turned to the business partner who was absent. That partner had recently been described by one of the employees as “an unhappy person.” The partner I was meeting with asked, “What can I do to make him happy? I’ve tried altering his responsibilities these past few years, and nothing appeals to him.” My response was “You can’t make him happy. He has to do that for himself.”
In my first job out of college I learned from my boss, that I was the person who determined my personal and professional happiness. I had been upset with him because he wasn’t helping me identify my next career move. After a rather frustrating conversation, he simply looked at me and said “Liz, no one else is responsible for making you happy. Don’t look to someone else to find you a better job, or find you one that pays more or has better benefits. Most importantly, no one else but you can define what type of work will make you happy.” It was one of those life-changing moments. From that moment on, I stopped looking to others to open doors for me. I’d find my own keys and open those doors myself.
If you view the job you have or are anticipating taking as nothing more than a paycheck, how long will you be happy working there? If you’re not happy with the type of work you do, why not try something you truly enjoy – even if it’s as a volunteer or part-time? Your happiness as well as your productivity will increase.
Stop and think over your working years. Identify all of those jobs or tasks you had that you enjoyed. What was the common thread among them all? Identify the common thread and look for it in your current or next job.
That thread can be your key to your personal and professional happiness.
Copyright MMI – Liz Weber, CMC, CSP – Weber Business Services, LLC – www.WBSLLC.com +1.717.597.8890
Liz supports clients with strategic and succession planning, as well as leadership training and executive coaching. Learn more about Liz on LinkedIn!