Do you know which stage of leadership you operate in?
The following is a quick and dirty overview of my leadership model: The Five Stages of Focused Leadership Development®
Stage 1 Leaders
identify ways to improve and leverage current processes and procedures. They also create and provide basic documentation on how they do select tasks so others can step in and perform their duties when necessary. Stage 1 leaders value creating and simplifying systems because they realize systems help them leverage their skills and create a means to work with and through others.
Stage 2 Leaders
realize they need to “let go” of the tasks they used to do so their team members can now learn to do those tasks and “do the jobs they’re being paid to do.” If Stage 2 leaders don’t let go, others can’t do their work. Stage 2 leaders also have Necessary Conversations™ right away to address behaviors that are veering off-track. Stage 2 leaders understand they need to leverage the skills of their team members by expecting and then allowing their team members to do the work they’re being paid to do.
Stage 3 Leaders
focus on “What’s coming next?” Stage 3 Leaders ask, “What do we need to be planning for to ensure our viability 2, 3, 4, and 10 + years into the future?” Stage 3 leaders value strategic planning, focusing on ensuring their looking to their customers’ future needs and wants and ensuring their strategic actions help them meet and lead those customer expectations.
Stage 4 Leaders
focus on developing the skill sets and talents of their employees to ensure they can support, manage, and lead the organization as it will be 2, 3, 4, and 10 + years into the future. Stage 4 leaders build depth deep and wide within organizations because they keenly realize that without highly engaged, challenged, and continually learning employees, their company has a limited future. Stage 4 leaders realize the future of their companies rest with the effectiveness, innovativeness, engagement, and skills of their employees.
Stage 5 Leaders
realize transitions in leadership or staff should be seamless to customers and others. Stage 5 Leaders realize leadership is about what’s right for the organization, not what feels right to the leader. Because of this, Stage 5 is the most self-less of the five stages. Stage 5 requires a leader to care more about the success of the customer, the task, the project, the team, and the company — more than his or her personal legacy and success. Stage 5 leaders are truly effective when their successors succeed.
Get a report on which stage of leadership you’re exhibiting and which stage you team needs you to exhibit in my book:
Move Among the Five Stages of Focused Leadership Development to Help Your Team When & Where They Need You.
Click the book cover to get your copy of Something Needs to Change Around Here – The Five Stages to Leveraging Your leadership to learn more!
Copyright MMXIV – Liz Weber, CMC, CSP – Weber Business Services, LLC – +1.717.597.8890
Liz supports clients with strategic and succession planning, as well as leadership training and executive coaching.