Enhance Your Stage 3 Leadership Skills!

Enhance Your Stage 3 Leadership Skills!

Given your answers to the 5 Stages Leadership™ Assessment, the team you’re responsible for may benefit by you enhancing select Stage 3 Leadership skills.

By enhancing your Stage 3 Leadership skills, you’ll be better able to do your job and support your team by thinking strategically and focusing beyond the current production or performance requirements. When you move beyond Stage 2 thinking, you begin to intentionally free up mental space and physical time to ensure you are able to think strategically. By focusing on the future and thinking strategically, you are able to focus on the ongoing viability and relevance of the organization. To do this, you need to physically and intellectually “get outside” your organization as you think about and then, create your strategic plan. Doing this will give you external insights and perspectives that won’t be confined to your current organizational limitations, restrictions and viewpoints. When you implement Stage 3 leadership skills, you’ll be able to focus on where your organization is going and where it needs to be so you can ensure its viability while fulfilling its mission. You’ll also be able to teach and coach your team leaders how to be the Stage 2 leaders your organization needs them to be. The more Stage 2 leaders you can create, the better able you are to think and behave as a Stage 3 leader.

To enhance your leadership skills, review the videos, links and products shared below.

Step 1: Watch the Videos

Skill-Building Challenge:

Which Stage 3 Leadership skills can you enhance in yourself and others today?

  • Do you seek information outside your organization or your industry to ensure you stay current, relevant, and leading-edge in your areas of expertise, technology or industry?
  • Do you focus on what’s coming next and work to develop strategies to prepare your team for the future?

Focus on just one or both of these Stage 3 Leadership skills today to become an even more effective leader.


Step 2: Read & Internalize

Leadership development is a part of your daily life. But, at times it’s hard to know what to focus on for your individual growth or for your leadership team’s development.
With that in mind, I’ve linked a series of articles that walks you through specific skills a Stage 3 Leader needs to get your team’s foundational systems in place and running smoothly.

  1. Focus on Leading vs. Doing
  2. Are You Thinking ‘Whole Organization’ or Just ‘My Department?’
  3. Ten Little Questions
  4. How Can I Keep Our Strategic Planning Process Simple?
  5. Think About Impact and Outcomes Before You Plan Your Strategic Planning Retreat

Additional Resources to Drive the Message Home!

Effective Stage 3 Leaders focus on “In addition to doing what we need to do now, what do we need to plan for over the next 2, 3, 4 + years?” They also value strategic planning. By exhibiting these Stage 3 skills also, you will start to project forward and plan for the iterations of growth and change needed to drive your organization forward.

For more information on developing your own or the Stage 3 Leadership skills in others, I suggest you get a copy of my book: Something needs to Change Around Here – The Five Stages to Leveraging Your Leadership.

To help you, and your team, become more proficient at goal setting, we’ve created a template for you to organize your goals and subgoals. Download this SMART Goal Setting Template, and fill it in with SMART goals that will help you move things forward, as you mark your goals COMPLETE! Download my Goal Setting Template

Have you been discussing the future and needed team, product, service, and organizational changes with your team? Have you identified what you need to stop doing and what you need to start doing to ensure your relevance and viability 2, 3, 4 + years from now?

If you have, then you’ve been behaving as a Stage 3 Leader. You’ve helped your team not only focus on the here and now, but also to focus on what will be needed of them next so they can mentally, physically, and emotionally prepare for it. They’ll be ready, they’ll be prepared, and they’ll be more likely to be successful too.

Remember: The key to leadership is to ensure you are leading from the stage your team and organization needs.