Liz’s Leadership Insights Blog

Culture Eats Strategy for…an Appetizer

Culture Eats Strategy for…an Appetizer

We’ve all heard Peter Drucker's saying, “Culture eats strategy for lunch [or breakfast].” I am, of course, not going to disagree with that statement. However, given the work world today, it’s not enough. Culture doesn’t just eat strategy for breakfast or lunch. Culture eats strategy as an appetizer. Then it eats strategy for breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, a snack, etc. A poor company culture will eat up and spit out your organization if its cultural framework, strategic priorities, and...

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Don’t Create a Laundry List. Create a Strategic Plan

Don’t Create a Laundry List. Create a Strategic Plan

It happens frequently. It happens with C-Suite executives as well as with mid-level managers. It happens when the excitement of DOING things to transform the organization takes hold. ‘It’ is when the strategic planning team focuses more on what they’re going to DO instead of what they want to ACHIEVE. It is when they stop thinking strategically. It causes teams to create laundry lists instead of strategic plans. …when the strategic planning team focuses more on what they’re going to DO instead...

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Stop Boring Strategic Plan Updates

Stop Boring Strategic Plan Updates

An association executive director asked during a recent coaching conversation, “Am I doing something wrong, or why are the strategic plan review meetings I hold with my senior staff so boring? My Director of Operations said yesterday, ‘It feels as if all we’re doing is tracking stuff so we can mark it off this master plan.’ You know what? She’s right. That’s exactly what it feels like.” Well I wish I could say I was stunned by his revelation, but I wasn’t. Because, tracking strategic plans...

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Create Values That Support Your Culture

Create Values That Support Your Culture

If you’re like most organizations today, you’re struggling to attract, train, develop, promote, and retain great team members. Heck, you’re struggling to find and retain team members - regardless of how great they may be! You’re also dealing with a myriad of supply chain and pricing issues, social and political divisiveness, altered expectations of ‘the workplace’, and much more. All of these pressures make ‘just doing what you do’ a true challenge. So how do you attract, train, develop,...

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Starting a Strategic Initiative? Clarify Your Culture First

Starting a Strategic Initiative? Clarify Your Culture First

  Now that you’ve finally hired the additional project team members needed, and you’ve checked, checked, and triple-checked your strategic initiative’s plan and deliverables, it’s time to start your project, right? Wrong. Before you start any strategic initiative, clarify with your team the role the project plays in supporting your organization’s mission, and how each team member fits in. The more clearly every team member (veteran and new) understands how the project and their work –...

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