Liz’s Leadership Insights Blog

Bad, Better, Best

  I talked with a former client this morning. When I asked how his business had fared the economic hardships of the past few years, he replied, "Well, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. We're just not sure if it's the light of a brighter future or if it's the headlight of a freight train that's going to put us out of business." I hadn't heard that expression before but it clearly articulates what I believe so many small business owners are wondering: Are we ever going to...

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Are We All In This Together?

  Have you ever had the experience of working with a great group of people who all chip in to get the job done? Each person involved offers ideas on how to complete the project; each volunteers to do an extra task or two to make it happen; each seems excited about the project’s potential benefits. It’s a wonderful experience when everyone around you is just as excited as you are. The entire mood of the group or organization is upbeat. Improvements, enhancements, and efficiencies within...

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Communicate to Motivate, Connect, or Enhance Performance

In reading several publications recently on the importance of good communication skills in leaders, I finally identified a way to help my clients better understand what "good communication skills" really means. Leaders who are "good communicators" does not mean they're good public speakers or that they can craft an effective speech. That's a nice skill to have, but that's not what we're talking about. Leaders who are "good communicators" does not mean they're charming, charismatic word smiths...

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Is It Time to Clean House and Simplify Your Business?

“Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers” – Gen Colin Powell My husband and I are finishing two construction projects. In the process, we've been digging through boxes we've had in storage to determine which items will work in the new facilities and which won't. In addition to comments of, "Why did we save this?" and "Huh, I'd forgotten we even had this," I've noticed we're asking ourselves things such as: How will this fit in and help us achieve the look and feel we're trying to...

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I Want My Life Back!

I Want My Life Back!

Yep, I heard it again. A new client, a CEO, told my team prior to our first work session, "I want my life back. I love working, but I've got to stop working 80-hour weeks. Something needs to change around here." Sounds logical and completely reasonable to me, but how do you get your life back if you are the only person who knows your job? Worse yet—how do you do that if you are the owner, CEO, or another member of the C-Suite? Who can do your job? As I have observed over the years, being...

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