Liz’s Leadership Insights Blog

Keep It Real

One of the professional organizations to which I belong had as its theme a few years ago: Keep It Real. It was meant to encourage us members to truly be experts in what we proclaim to be and do. To be honest, when I first heard the theme, I thought: Boring! However, over the past several months, I've come to appreciate it. With the business environment continuing to be a challenge, it's been interesting to note the validity of Warren Buffet's famous saying: "Only when the tide goes out do you...

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Poor Pilot Leadership

What would you do if you were the Pilot in Command, your plane full of passengers is stuck at an airport because of bad weather, and... You're not going anyplace soon? Here's how a real pilot leader handled the situation: First-Class Pilot Leadership and here's how the pilot on the flight my husband and I were on handled it... I just experienced, first-hand, poor leadership – poor ethical leadership that manifested itself through a lack of courage, character, and communication (Hmmm, three of...

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What Is Leadership?

What is leadership?That's a great question because depending upon whom you ask, the answer will vary. Yet each person's answer will swirl around common themes. And the common themes typically make the person providing the answer smile, get a glint in their eye, sit a bit straighter, and act as if they got a jolt of energy-infused through them. Just the thought, the memory, or the image of a strong leader causes others to feel stronger, confident, and energized. So what is leadership? What does...

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You May Not Like the Way You Have to Lead

  When it's your turn to take over and step in to your predecessor's leadership shoes, what is your focus? Is it to lead the way that's easiest for you? Or, is it to lead the way the team or organization needs to be led? I recently observed a leadership transition that's been in the works for over 24 months. The new leader is smart, capable, and charismatic. However, during his first official stakeholder's event, he made his first noticeable leadership gaffe. He forgot a golden rule...

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Guest Post: Jesse Lyn Stoner

Guest Post: Jesse Lyn Stoner

We have a special guest on the blog today. Jesse Lyn Stoner, Seapoint Center, has written a terrific article that we'd like to share with you. Be the Boss You'd Like to Have by Jesse Lyn Stoner The friendly gentleman sitting next to me on the airplane said: “I like my boss because he is genuinely interested in me and what I’m doing. He doesn't just ask generally how things are going, he says, ‘how’s the [specific] project going?’ I know he’s paying attention and cares. When I first started...

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