Liz’s Leadership Insights Blog

Maintain Your Place at the Table

Maintain Your Place at the Table

I've been speaking to a number of Human Resources professionals groups lately and sharing my speech: How Does HR Get A Respected Seat at the Strategic Planning Table? As I contemplated what to blog about today, I thought I'd keep it simple and share advice from my book Don't Let 'Em Treat You Like a Girl®: A Woman's Guide to Leadership Success that links to ideas shared in my speech. In a nutshell, if you're at the table: Demonstrate you belong at the table! If you're not an active contributor...

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Leadership Ethics – The Golden Rule

Here’s an article pulled from the archives. It’s sad to say, but what I wrote in 2002 is still right on target – if not more so – today. “At this moment, America’s greatest economic need is higher ethical standards, enforced by strict laws and upheld by responsible business leaders,” (President) Bush said in a speech delivered to the Association for Better New York. “In the end, there is no capitalism without conscience, no wealth without character.” (July 9, 2002)   Who ever thought the...

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Quit Working So Hard

Quit Working So Hard

Are you exhausted at the end of every work day? Do you lay in bed at night worrying about how you're going to get everything done? Are you regularly trying to identify new ways to bring in more sales, increase business, or in some other way "get ahead"? If so, join the club. You're like most hard-working managers and leaders. Notice, I said you're like most 'hard-working' managers and leaders. I didn't say you're like most 'successful' managers and leaders. There's a big difference and the...

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When Leadership Pretends Not to See

"How can I let the leadership team know my manager is a really poor manager and our team is falling apart because of him?" That question was emailed to me by one frustrated senior manager. It is such a tragedy because here's the truly frustrating aspect of this situation: The leadership team already knows this manager is weak. They've simply chosen not to do anything about it. The leadership team is simply pretending not to see this manager's weaknesses. Because if they do, they'll have to...

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Who Are Your Key People?

Who Are Your Key People?

  Who really are your key people? Who do you really need to listen to and learn from? Key people are those individuals who have information, insights, experience, or connections that can help you do your job as a leader. They're also often the ones that tell you things you don't want to hear. They'll disagree with you when others are afraid to, and they'll force you to re-think your initial response to gain a different perspective on the topic. They can be your greatest asset; they can be...

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