In a recent coaching session, Jason, a manager new to his position shared, “My team is fighting even the most basic of changes. I know there have been a lot of changes to deal with lately. Me, coming on as their new leader being a big one, but they’re behavior is ridiculous. The recent changes I’m suggesting to our delivery schedule aren’t monumental. I’m simply saying we need to space out our delivery schedule in response to recent customer feedback. I’m not suggesting we drop, change, or even refine any of the products. Let’s just slow down the delivery schedule to better meet our customers’ capabilities to take our product. That’s it. Still, my team is freaking out and freezing. What should I do?” I suggested to Jason we identify why his team is resisting this change so strongly.
Identify why your team is resisting the change so strongly.
We all resist change at times for one reason or another: We fear the outcomes of the change. We don’t understand or can’t visualize what the outcome will be or look like. We like the way we have always done or currently do things. We don’t believe we’ll be as successful after the change as we have been in our current situation.
Whatever the reason you or your team resist change, it needs to be identified and acknowledged if you hope to successfully implement and then sustain a productive change.
Whatever the reason you or your team resist change, it needs to be identified and acknowledged if you hope to successfully implement and then sustain a productive change.
To help Jason help his team uncover why they’re resisting changes to their delivery schedule so strongly, I suggested he facilitate a relaxed, non-judgmental conversation with them. Ask his team to individually and then collectively answer these questions:
- How does this change help or inhibit us from fulfilling our team’s mission/purpose?
- Who does this change help more – me/us as a team or our customers?
- Why is this change making me uncomfortable?
- Is it because I’ll have to change or stop doing what I do well now?
- Is it because it will make things more difficult for our customers?
- Is it because I’m holding onto what I was told or what worked in the past?
- If I were to explain my resistance to others, what data, facts, or other objective information would I be able to share that would help them understand my perspective and concerns?
- Is my resistance driven from data, facts, or other objective information or by my biases, emotions, fears, or some other internal driver?
- Why am I resisting this change?
After processing and discussing the above,
Facing and implementing change is tough. It’s basically impossible when your team is not only NOT bought into the idea of the change, but is actively resisting it.
If you need or want to implement change and have a team or team member resisting, find out why. Helping them and you understand their resistance is your key to making change happen.
Copyright MMXXIV – Liz Weber, CMC, CSP – Weber Business Services, LLC – +1.717.597.8890
Liz Weber is an advisor to boards of directors, business owners, and C-Suite leaders. She’s a leadership, strategic and succession planning consultant, speaker, and author. She helps her clients focus on the right things at the right times to get the right impact. Learn more about Liz on LinkedIn!