Liz’s Leadership Insights Blog

You Gotta Show ’em How It’s Done!

You Gotta Show ’em How It’s Done!

We have all experienced it. The boss says one thing then does something else. Isn't that irritating? Yeah—you bet! So why do YOU do the same thing to YOUR employees? In order to reap the rewards of any new initiative, leaders and managers better be willing to ‘Walk the Walk and Talk the Talk’ whenever we want the best from our employees. This is critical when we are trying to institute a change in our employees’ behavior. Because, at the end of the day, if we can’t exhibit the desired...

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Increase Efforts — Increase Success

Increase Efforts — Increase Success

Quite often, when we set goals for ourselves, we set goals in ways that do no more for us than make us feel good at that moment. We set goals such as:  “I’m going to find a new job within the next two weeks that pays me $5,000 more per year than my last job.” Or, even better, “I’m going to lose 10 pounds before my sister’s wedding.” These are not goals—these are dreams. To make them become our reality, we need to focus on identifying what specific activities we need to grasp today to ensure we...

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Doing More of the Same

Doing More of the Same

I was standing in the checkout line at the grocery store the other day when I overheard two women behind me reconnect. They had worked together years ago but had gone different ways when their former employer laid them both off. After the Day of the Pink Slips, "Sue," had apparently taken classes and searched for new opportunities to put her old and new skills to use. She's now working and seemed fairly upbeat. On the other hand, "Caren" found work in the same industry only to be laid off...

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What Are You Doing to Make Yourself Attractive?

What Are You Doing to Make Yourself Attractive?

What are you doing to make yourself attractive? Attractive to an employer that is. The news is again reporting the tough economic times with high unemployment rates for young and old alike.However, when I see so many charitable organizations in dire need of good, quality volunteers and I hear of the many talented unemployed, I'm confused by the gap. Why aren't more people willing to volunteer to gain experience, help the cause, and keep busy doing "something"? Yesterday, I heard a man say he's...

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Don’t Forget The People in Your Life

Don’t Forget The People in Your Life

I'm heading home after spending five great days in Phoenix attending the 2009 National Speakers Association (NSA) Fall Conference. In spite of the insights shared in the concurrent and general sessions, I am heading back to the office appreciating most the new friendships that have taken root. People I've previously only bumped into at prior NSA events, I finally had a chance to talk with at this event. People I've previously assumed were so different than me, turned out to be very much like...

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