Liz’s Leadership Insights Blog

Think About Impact and Outcomes Before You Plan Your Strategic Planning Retreat

Think About Impact and Outcomes Before You Plan Your Strategic Planning Retreat

Two prospective strategic planning clients reached out to me this past week. Both organizations have a new CEO, at least two new board members each, at least two new senior staff members each, and both were requesting information on how I might facilitate their plan development during a two-day board retreat. It became quickly apparent, both CEOs were simply approaching their outreach to me as somewhat of a checklist item from their board: Find a consultant for our strategic planning retreat....

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Advisors Advise — Directors Direct

Advisors Advise — Directors Direct

Once and for all, let’s clarify the difference between Advisory Boards and Boards of Directors. People often believe they are one-in-the-same and use the terms interchangeably. When, in reality, they are very different entities. And although they are both important, they wield very different levels of power. The shareholders or members typically elect the people who will serve on the board of directors. In a small firm, the board of directors is usually comprised of the business’ owners and...

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