No matter how many times you tell your team, “We’re going to change.” “We’re going to become more efficient and do things differently around here,” they’re not going to believe you. They also know that by “We” you really mean them. As a leader, if you expect others to change, you need to change first.
Remember, the team follows the leader.
This may sound basic to many of you, but how many times have you expected your teams to change, only to find them frustrated and confused a few days or weeks down the line? Typically, they’re not frustrated with the changes they’ve made. They’re typically frustrated with you (but they’re afraid to tell you.) Why? You’ve not changed your own behavior, your processes for supporting them, or your requirements of them. You’ve not made changes to ensure any changes they make actually stick. You said, “We’re going to change”, yet only they were required to change. Your behavior doesn’t support effective changes, because frankly, it’s not fair.
If you expect your teams to change, you better be willing to be the first to change.
Your team is watching you to gauge how serious you are. Every day, they assess you and your character as a leader. Most often without knowing it, they’re gauging your right to be their leader. They’re constantly assessing your credibility. They’re constantly assessing your conviction in supporting them and the organization. If they’ve experienced your inability to change for the good of the team and the organization, they’re also asking themselves and each other: Will this be another great idea with great intentions that fades away when it comes to implementation? If they see the answer to this question become yet another Yes, remember: the team follows the leader. They’ll soon become resistant to change, because frankly, they see it as a futile effort. Why should they support another change? They’ve seen how you deal with change: you don’t; they do and as a result many of the past changes have failed.
If your team and organization need to change to enhance its productivity, efficiency, profitability, market share, or to simply assure its survival, assess what you need to change for yourself and your team first. Then put that change into play before you ask your team to change for the good of the organization. If you change and become a more effective leader, your team will change too. But they will watch you first to confirm your character and conviction.
Remember, the team follows the leader and they’re watching to see what you’ll do.
Copyright MMX – Liz Weber, CMC, CSP – Weber Business Services, LLC – +1.717.597.8890
Liz supports clients with strategic and succession planning, as well as leadership training and executive coaching. Learn more about Liz on LinkedIn!