Model Solid Leadership By Reading & Communicating with Your Team Members Correctly

Are you communicating effectively?

Every effective manager knows: Nothing gets done unless you’re able to effectively communicate with and leverage the talents of your team members. However, that’s often easier said than done.

If you’re frustrated with your team members when they don’t seem to understand basic things you’re trying to convey, remember: Take a breath; remember they’re each individuals; and they each believe their way of behaving, communicating, and interacting with others is right. Now, take another breath. Focus on the well-studied four dominant personality and communication styles, and remember to adjust how YOU communicate with each of them – so they understand you:

Support - Relaters - DovesSupport/Relaters/Doves –

are good team members, strong supporters, calm, methodical and even-keeled. They don’t like tension, fighting, or rushing. They value peace, tranquility and helping others. They listen more than they speak, and they will slow down and withdraw when they feel pressure.


Influence - Socializers - PeacocksInfluence/Socializers/Peacocks –

are energetic, fun, creative and full of ideas. They don’t like routine or detailed work, and are easily distracted. They tend to speak more than they listen. They value fun and interactions with others. They will talk more when they become agitated or feel pressure.


Cautiousness - Thinkers - OwlsCautiousness/Thinkers/Owls –

are methodical, logical, and linear thinkers. They enjoy intellectual challenges. They value being right. They think before they speak or act. They need time to think and process information before they make decisions. They will become quiet and withdraw to focus and identify how to resolve problems, conflicts, or pressures.


Dominance - Directors - EaglesDominance/Directors/Eagles –

are quick and decisive in how they speak, move, think and act. They tend to speak before they think things through completely. They value getting things done, marking off goals and checklists, and being quick and efficient. They become more direct, quick, and decisive when they feel pressure.


Finally, take another breath and remember: Leadership is about them — not you. Just as they each have a dominant personality style, so do you. Keep your dominant personality and communication style in mind and in check. When your behavior starts to become more pronounced, you by default increase the stress levels for others with differing personality styles. As a result, they default to their more dominant styles. Conflicts increase and teams start to fall apart. Move to the Middle. Learn to manage and modify your own behaviors. Mirror the behaviors of others with different personality styles so they relax and interact comfortably with you.

Leadership is about them — not you.


Copyright MMXIV – Liz Weber, CMC, CSP – Weber Business Services, LLC – +1.717.597.8890

Liz supports clients with strategic and succession planning, as well as leadership training and executive coaching. Learn more about Communicating Effectively with Liz on LinkedIn!

Liz Weber CMC CSP

Liz Weber CMC

Liz Weber coaches, consults, and trains leadership teams. She specializes in strategic and succession planning, and leadership development.

Liz is one of fewer than 100 people in the U.S. to hold both the Certified Management Consultant (CMC) and Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) designations.

Contact Liz’s office at +1.717.597.8890 for more info on how Liz can help you, or click here to have Liz’s office contact you.



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