Are you where you wanted to be at this point in the year with your business?
- Are your sales where you wanted them to be?
- Are your teams performing the way you wanted them to perform?
- Are your customers engaging the way you wanted them to engage?
If you are where you had wanted to be, what are you doing to ensure you continue this momentum? If you are not where you had wanted to be, what are you doing to get things moving the way you need them to move?
Leading your organization or team effectively requires not only clear leadership skills, but also focused management skills. Your leadership skills will help you stay focused on where you need to take your organization; your management skills will help you coordinate the people and resources needed to make things happen. So if you’re currently on track, kudos! Now identify what’s been working to determine if you can continue to leverage those same skills, strategies, and tactics. If not, what do you need to adjust? If you are not on track, again, what do you need to adjust?
Here are just three areas of your annual and strategic planning activities to review to stay or get back on track:
Are you tracking the right metrics?
Are you tracking the correct metrics so you get quick and relevant feedback on what is working to move your organization to where you want it to go, and what is not working? If you want to deepen your engagement with your customers to create longer-term selling relationships with them, are you tracking your customers’ interactions, service experiences, administrative experiences, and payment experiences to identify quickly any area of frustration, confusion, or disconnect? Or, are you simply tracking sales and their anemic responses to your basic customer satisfaction surveys? Identify what data will best help you move your organization forward, then track those metrics closely.
Are your people in the right spots doing the right things?
Do you have the right people, in the right spots, doing the right things? If not, when are you going to move them? Delaying personnel or position changes doesn’t solve most ill-fitting employee/position scenarios. Make the changes needed to help your team members, your organization, and your customers succeed.
Are your strategies and actions moving you in the correct direction?
Are the strategies and specific actions you identified still serving you? Have conditions changed to make what you had planned to do no longer relevant or effective? If you’re not regularly reviewing and confirming you and your team are still doing the right things, why are you doing them? Don’t allow your team to put their heads down and plow ahead without continuously asking themselves and you, “Are we doing the right things to move this organization forward, or are we simply doing what’s been put in front of us?”
As you ask yourself, “Are we where I wanted us to be?'” also ask yourself and your team if you are tracking the right metrics, positioning people well, and doing the right things. If not, it’s time for you to move.
Copyright MMXV – Liz Weber, CMC, CSP – Weber Business Services, LLC – +1.717.597.8890
Liz supports clients with strategic and succession planning, as well as leadership training and executive coaching. Learn more about Liz on LinkedIn!