We have a special guest on the blog today. Technology expert Gina Schreck, founder of Synapse. Gina has written a terrific article that we’d like to share with you.
Leaders: Why Your Organization Should Not Be Using Social Media
By Gina Schreck
I am a social media nut… I’ll be the first to admit it.
I share photos on Instagram, post tips on Twitter, answer questions on Facebook, scan every QR Code that I encounter, and I love checking in on Foursquare to try and rip the Mayoral Robe from the curent reigning leader. So when I am heading to dinner, out for a day of shopping or staying in a hotel, I see if they have a social presence before I arrive. Perhaps they have deals being offered (great FREE guacamole at La Sandia in Littleton when you check in on Fourquare) or any tips left by other guests (Try and stay in room 2460 for the best view). If I find a company Facebook page or Twitter account, I will give a shout out that I am excited to be coming and if I have a great stay or great experience there, I am the first to send a tweet out to the world letting everyone know (and usually include a picture that I snapped with the FAB person who gave the great service–maybe it will help with that raise they deserve).
But nothing chaps my hide more than when I post something on a company Facebook page, Twitter account, or another social site THEY have set up and get no response… nada… not a whisper! I am not looking for freebies or discounts, although I once tweeted about a great iPad docking and speaker system I found at Target and they replied with a $10 online coupon to say thanks for the shout out, BUT I am expecting someone to acknowledge my comment or question. So many organizations create social media accounts because someone said they should, but then they don’t realize that someone will have to manage the platform just like someone has to check voicemail or email if they give that out.
Too many companies think all they have to do is shove content out, like an ad going into the local mailer, and they usually have their accounts set up with an automated system that sends their promotional information to Facebook, Twitter, and any other platform they are using without ever checking to see if anyone commented or posted a question for them. These are the same accounts that will have 1,000 poor saps following them and the organization follows 3 people back (usually the three friends of the intern who set up the accounts). This shows they really aren’t interested in listening to anyone else. They just want others to get the junk they pump.
If your organization is contemplating getting on board and creating a Facebook presence, a Twitter account, or maybe even a Google Plus account, STOP. Before you create that profile and load that beautiful logo of yours, have a meeting with your team to answer these 5 questions first:
- Who will manage these accounts throughout the day? (Checking in 2 or 3 times per day AT LEAST, depending upon the type of business you have)
- Will we need outside/additional help?
- What is the ultimate goal of creating social channels? (Brand recognition? Increased sales channel? Additional customer support options? Customer feedback and interaction?) How will we define success?
- Will this be a combination of customer support, marketing, human resources and PR?
- How will we handle questions or complaints that come in via social channels?
- How will the person or team of people get regular content to post several times per day?
Once you have answered these questions you are ready to begin building your platform. And once you build it, they will come…it will take work…lots of work, but they will come, and when they do, you will be ready!
Reposted with permission: ©2011 Gina Schreck All Rights Reserved If you want to repost or republish, please contact Gina Schreck.
Gina Schreck is the founder of SocialKNX, a social media management firm. We help you build out the strategy, tie it into your overall goals and manage the daily activities for BIG SOCIAL SUCCESS! We’re always home! Find Gina on Twitter @GinaSchreck or on Facebook – GinaSchreck.